
Bo car thieves fought his lifetime photograph. Police courtesy defendant Yim sentenced to death.
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Survey: What do you think college students with their own car thief stole fight was stabbed to death, was courageous title?
Last December 4, Changzhou Wujin District Huang Bo town 19-year-old university student was found in his home to steal a motorcycle, the video: Students struggle with theft thief was stabbed to death Source: Jiangsu TV, "Good Morning Jiangsu" thief then abandoned car fled, Bo still rushed to catch up. Yim resist arrest car thieves at this time and pulled a knife, stabbed to death in the fight Bo. June 10 morning, Changzhou Intermediate People's Court for sentencing courageous Students Bo killed, the murderer Yim guilty of robbery, theft, was sentenced to death. After the incident, Bo was awarded the "courageous activists Wujin District," the honorary title.
Case review
Doorstep fought the car thieves was stabbed to death
19-year-old Yang Bo is a student of Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, the number 21, who lives in St. Huangli towns and villages. Last year at 11:00 on December 4 and more, Bo being the home of a family of three at lunch, personal video window flashed. After Bo family's motorcycle parked in the side door on weekdays, Bo looked out the window for parents to say, these days there are always a few people at the door dangling, unlike the good guys. Finished, Bo suddenly ran out of the house, she saw a man wearing a helmet pushed his family's motorcycle went to the road. Bo shouted: "Stop, you are a car thief!" Bo's father, followed by the father and son to steal the car rushed past the man, the man ran scared Diuche. How far did not run out, it was Bo hugged the waist. Both father and son were wrestling with the man. The man Yim to resist arrest, took out his pocket knife stabbed the victim Bo and Yang hand scratched,http://www.fu.is.saga-u.ac.jp, Yim continued to flee was arrested after people nearby. Bo was sent to the hospital died on the same day 12:00. It was identified by others Bo Department of the holder blade knife pierce the heart, lung death. Yang's father wounding Sometimes.
Yim murderer Sentenced to Death
The first few days of the trial, Yim was very sorry: "I do not want to stab him,http://www.vaswim.org/cgi-bin/rcalc.cgi,scarpe louboutin outlet, I regret it, I'm sorry the victim and his family, I am sorry for all the people in my family." It is understood that Yim house in the countryside, had two children, a 10-year-old, a 5-year-old, the poor economic conditions at home. In order to compensate Yang who Dongnuexijie, the family sold the house in turn only scrape together 10 million in compensation payments.
In addition to Bo stabbing outside the court also found Yim guilty of theft: From June 2010 to December period, the defendant Yim together with Xu, Ren Moumou (both handled separately) to Changzhou, Jintan Yixing City and other places,basket jordan, the use of lock picking and other means theft seven times, seven stolen motorcycle, worth a total of more than 31,000 yuan RMB.
June 10, Changzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling, the defendant Yim after stealing other people's property was found to violence to resist arrest, causing one death,basket nike air max,http://maillists.freead.com.au/cgi-bin/mojo.cgi, one minor injury, his behavior constituted the crime of robbery. Yim also accused, together with others, to the illegal possession for the purpose of stealing confidential citizen property, a huge amount, his behavior constituted theft, part of the Department of common crime, should be graft. Yim defendant in the crime again released from prison after five years, is a recidivist,http://www.lindicateur.com/calanthe/blog.cgi, should be severely punished. Yim defendant guilty of robbery and sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life and confiscated all his personal property; guilty of theft and sentenced to six years imprisonment and fined 30,000 yuan; decided to implement the death penalty, deprivation of political rights for life, and at the confiscation of personal property.
Sentencing scene, Yang recalled the day of his son's murder case, still can not help but constantly weeping. He expressed satisfaction with the verdict of first instance, it is desirable to punish criminals, to comfort the soul of the deceased son.
To stimulate discussion
Whether the protection of their own property belongs to the courageous
After the event, there are Internet users in the Changzhou major forum post, asked relevant departments to grant Bo courageous title.
Bo lifetime friends and thousands of citizens are to Bo Huang, application courageous advanced personal signature fingerprints press book, urged the higher authorities to ratify Bo courageous and advanced individual, while unanimously demanded stern punishment for the murderer. Most people think that the thief was found by Yang and his son has fled, Yang has been no loss of property,escarpin louboutin pas cher, but Bo is still on the go catch the thief.
Bo face criminals to come forward, maintain a healthy social trends, such behavior should belong to the category of courageous, determined and recognition should be given to the relevant departments.
Also raised by the public, although Bo courage, but he tried not to protect the state, collective or property of others, and therefore slightly different definition and courageous.
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter contacted Bo's father. Yang said: "Before the incident near our house often encountered thieves, thieves are hated we had incredible, so the day saw Yim to steal the car, although Yim has dropped the car to escape, we catch up to, is to catch the thief. In fact, I was not for his car, but that this society we need to stand out and if everyone just Guzhe own encounter thieves are afraid to come out, what this society decency! "
Yang also told reporters that in January this year, Bo Wujin District Samaritan Foundation has been awarded the "Wujin District courageous activists honorary title of" bonuses 10,000 yuan, the family has also been awarded the "courageous and advanced Wujin District Family" Concurrent bonus 10,000.
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Professional explanation
Province Samaritan Foundation: courageous actions are consistent with the basic purposes
Province Samaritan Foundation official said,http://www.venbb.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3695457, Bo of this behavior should be recognized as courageous. "Jiangsu Province courageous staff incentives and protection Ordinance" provides Samaritan refers to (a) in the state, collective interests and other people's lives and property were violated when criminal acts, to come forward with the fight against criminal acts; (b) In disaster relief, regardless of personal safety, the protection of national and collective interests and the lives and property of others, outstanding; and (3) other heroic deeds and other three outstanding case.
Bo's behavior promote social justice, should carry forward
Province Samaritan Foundation official said, according to the provisions courageous behavior to protect the state, collective and property of others. Reward and protect courageous and uphold fundamental purpose is to promote social justice,louboutin milano, and to encourage the masses to fight criminals and wrongdoing,http://aqua.sfc.wide.ad.jp, maintaining social stability. Although Yang protection is their own motorcycle, but this case is rather special, the thief abandoned the vehicle and fled, Yang can not chase people, but they catch the bad guys in order to eliminate the social harm and courageously Defeat the enemy, which is consistent with the Samaritan Basic Spirit, so it should be regarded as courageous. Moreover, Bo regardless of personal safety, and the criminals struggling to fight and eliminate hidden dangers, which should be vigorously carry forward the courageous spirit.
Similar cases have been identified as courageous
It is understood, Jiangsu courageous implementation of the Ordinance for 16 years,http://www.dab.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/tamanegi/apeboard.cgi/, the province at all levels of Samaritan Foundation award in recognition of courageous six or seven people, among them, there are few similar cases and Bo commendation. Province Samaritan Foundation official said, there have been criminal to the residents of the home theft, was found after residents intend to escape, residents united in the family,http://www.flexsche.com, after the final battle to seize the criminals, this brave courageous behavior has also been identified, which also in line with the basic purpose and basic social values courageous.
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