
A middle-aged woman and a little girl is picking up scattered on the ground of instant noodles. Sign courtesy on the ground there, not waste! Mom got Zhaokong plastic bags. Sign courtesy of a little girl found the photographer, not timid, but toward the photographer's lens exposed shy smile. Sign this courtesy, she was both pleased smile,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, I could see tears! Sign courtesy
Voices Online July 5 (Reporter Dragon) Are you still complaining? Complain less own money? Complain that you are not happy? Boring boring tasteless complain about life? Recently, a "There is a way of life called the hardships - Linqing Street Sign" graphic is Voices forum posts, Baidu Post Bar and other major forum crazy forwarding, picture a pair of unkempt homeless mother and daughter in the street to pick up scattered instant noodles to the bitterness of the scene, touched the hearts of thousands of users.
According to local friends on the woman suffering from mental illness, perennial with a 10-year-old daughter in the urban vagrants and beggars. July 5,http://www.nj-bridge.com/ad/Review.asp?NewsID=486, the local civil affairs departments in an interview with reporters, said the mother and daughter have been temporarily placed in the nursing home, is waiting for further assistance.
Lens: wandering mother and daughter picked up scattered on the ground of instant noodles
Photo by users "Dune ox" in the post, said it was the morning of June 23 occurred near the city of Yiwu International Trade City Linqing scene.
5 picture message provided by a pair of unkempt old mother and daughter are squatting beside a bicycle, carefully picking up the ground two packets of instant noodles have been scattered.
Found to have broken bags of instant noodles can not dress scattered on the ground broken noodles, the middle-aged woman got out a plastic bag from the basket in front of a bicycle, it will be carefully broken noodles Pengdao plastic bag and put the bag of instant noodles left stay instant noodles also be broken down into it.
Black skinny little girl next to the mother staring intently every move, sometimes relatively exposed delighted smile.
During the little girl found someone videotaping them, and not timid, but toward the photographer's lens exposed shy smile.
User: "I am distressed, donations count me in!"
"Baidu Post Bar" LINQing bar where the real situation of the mother and daughter have also been confirmed to local users, represented in the thread often see them near the Yiwu International Trade City.
"Linqing Yiwu International Trade City,http://www.datajunk.jp/bbs/petit.cgi, where to sell wonton or vegetables next two dyed there, or around the west bridge, you can find them." A Linqing friends says, although some local residents who likes to laugh at the In women, but are like the little girl, "she looks really cute, very sensible,nike france, very obedient."
User "Hi from winter to" also describes a scene he had seen the mother and daughter,http://bbs.pipa.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11283854, who was unkempt wasteland where they pick up scrap metal,nike blazer femme, the little girl is also scratching the dirt. "See that picture there is a feeling like crying!"
There are friends, said last year they have seen the local court filing court. "It's like the mother to the court for help, ask the father to the child support payments," This user said,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/jump.cgi, "It was looking at legal costs she pulled out of all crumpled one dollar Pentagon bill, probably in exchange for selling scrap . "
Mother and daughter sufferings deeply touched the hearts of many users, have expressed the hope that can give them help.
"The little girl is too poor, very distressed, donations count me, hoping to do something modest!" Voices friends "Linqing announcer" thread said, and left his cell phone number. Other users may also be a response, they have to leave their QQ number, phone number, and suggested that local users can open a bank account for the mother and daughter, convenience contributions.
The User "Linqing tough guy" claimed one of his friends wanted to offer a job to the woman, but she was not willing to accept, "I really feel helpless."
Survey: The local government has sent to homes for the elderly mother and daughter
According to information provided by local users, the mother called , her family is Linqing Song Pioneer Village Office, 2000 married the next village, four years ago due to family reasons and divorce, alone with her now 10-year-old daughter lives in her family home as well as his mother, two brothers and a sister.
"She herself is a bit of a problem mentally." July 5, Pioneer Village office secretary Guanzhen Song Bao told reporters that the village is very sympathetic to the mother and child, before also want to rescue them, but was rejected .
"Child uncle wanted to send their children go to school,http://www.lasikfraud.com, but her mother would not let go." Guanzhen Bao said, the little girl 10 years old have not been to school.
According to the town of Bao introduction pipe, a pioneer in office of Song Village is 10 km away from downtown LINQING about Tengxue Fang bike every morning begging her daughter to go downtown street at night and then turn back to her parents live.
Mother and daughter suffered after the online exposure, also the first time attracted the attention of Linqing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau.
July 5, the council staff Zhao said in an interview with reporters, after they see the post, immediately sent staff to find an extended stay in the city, and went to her parents understand their specific circumstances.
"At present, the mother and child is temporarily living in the city of Linqing Daxinzhuang center nursing home." Zhao told reporters, consider the case of the mother suffering from mental illness, the bureau is under the leadership of its treatment, child rearing and school and other issues as appropriate rescue plan, "hoping that the mother and child to live a normal life."
With regard to rescue the mother and daughter of the update, the newspaper will be continued attention.
Voices Comments There is a well known meet
Text / Lee Seng Hui
Schopenhauer once said: "Life is a mass of desire,scarpe nike, desire can not meet it painful to meet it boring, life swing between pain and boredom." Schopenhauer boldly asserted that life is pessimistic,louboutin femme, can not be really happy. Many people will wonder why the more economic development, well-being but lopsided?
What is happiness? I have been looking for, when you see the girls in middle-aged women picked up by a car rolling over noodles exposed happy smile, and my heart seemed to have become more thing - why the girl smile so bright? Perhaps, she thought finally no longer hungry, right? For her, there is nothing to eat is happiness.
Thankfully,http://www.nlwbgj.com/club/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=89976,basket nike,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, the local civil affairs departments to understand the situation in the first time after giving up the mother and child relief. At present, they have been placed in a local nursing home, then will further address the girl's school and other issues. We believe that a girl really happy coming. Also called, more users can offer their share of love.
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