
"Agriculture II" in stuporous cities, they often get lost. □ Figure Tao Ya
Southern Rural News (Reporter Wang Wei positive) & nbsp; "Agricultural generation" refers to the eighties of the last century after the birth, residence in rural areas, but in urban generation. They do not have the land, unlike their parents as well as retreat; they entered the city, but to endure troubled residence, social security, housing and other issues, and the road is very difficult. Confusion between the advance and retreat in the face of survival and loss between young them go? Southern Rural News reporter tried to engage in specific industries experienced little off, revealing the unknown fate of the "agricultural second generation" of this group.
March 21 at 7 pm, the night had just fallen, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, a shabby rental house, bedside alarm sounded on time. Ozeki stretched, started a "new day" - this time of day is the beginning of his work. Get up, take a bath with electric rods boiling water, shampoo, dress up, put on by 300 yuan to buy clothes - black vest and pants, white jacket, in front of the mirror and looked at it, again checking appearance, shut out the small .
20-year-old Guan, look handsome,chaussures louboutin pas cher, several meters in height. He engaged in a special career average person probably despised, they called themselves "class" or "duck." Drop out of school, the city, in its own way struggling to survive in the city, marked "agriculture generation" label, a small off never seemed to feel how life Choose life everything arranged.
"Special" occupation, it is difficult to make a living
21, the fifth day of his work this year, finished dressing, has come to half past eight pm. Ozeki hurried down the stairs, just eat a snack,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=126&page=1, around nine p.m. taxi past a nightclub in Guangzhou to work. The trip takes about 25 yuan, 50 yuan round-trip transportation expenses necessary every day. Ozeki originally planned to go this evening to attend the wedding of former colleagues, felt in his pocket found to have no money. "50 yuan, the red envelope Nabuchushou, 100 yuan but too much, no money, and still face important, do not drink the wedding." Despite his distressed 100 yuan a red envelope of money, but every night to fight the charges or willingly Flower, "Our colleagues are playing commuting."
Less than half past nine, the first a little off to the nightclub. He directly into one of the rooms on the second floor after a sit down, that room every night they are concentrated.
Ozeki colleagues continue to arrive, wearing the same black vest and a white coat, giving her a similar hairstyle. We leaned on the sofa, feet on the table, everyone smoking. Nothing to do in the room colleagues, began to talk a variety of topics, gay, Simon and the like. After a while, "Ping brother" lamented yesterday that batch met the woman did not "catch." "Ping brother" sighs aroused great sympathy, "Oh, business is bleak." Some people complain that the boss mismanagement guests to spend the night too, and some say this can not blame the boss, it is his lack of effort. Prior has also been silent little off, we recommend you start from tonight, to take the initiative to inspect each room and saw the female guests on the initiative to strike. "Perhaps those looking young woman would have no idea, we see so handsome you change your mind." Xiaoguan finished,http://www.auto-tsukamoto.com/hpgen/epad/epad.cgi, everyone burst into laughter.
After talking business, we began to talk about their wonderful experiences. "Ho brother," said he last year at another nightclub duck when one night encountered a thirty-year-old woman, she constantly complained that she had had a wonderful feeling, more than four years to talk about love married young man with a child, but her husband has a new love. Women heartbroken, a nose a tear to tell. Ho brother to see her so sad, the end did not accept him tips, "too lose."
Ozeki told the Southern Rural News reporter, like ho brother said that poor woman, he encountered a lot. In fact, people who come to them, the most common are two, one is "Miss", the "Miss" is beautiful, basically twenties; the other is to be nurturing mistress, who was the favorite of some After time, a lot of the cold, or men are out busy, lonely, bored at home, they will come out to seek stimulation.
Ozeki told reporters that this line too much competition. Nightclub where he last year, a total of forty to fifty young men, "to have a tall height, appearance to appearance there", basically 20 years old, there are eight meters up and down, are dressed up, the mouth is also sweet. Many times, he was only twelve weeks last election. With the guests one night, at least receive compensation of 1,500 yuan, and sometimes the guests too ugly, she had to increase. If you have not been chosen out of open house, just to accompany guests to drink, you only get 500 yuan tip.
In addition to intense competition, the small off also sighed very hard, "a lot to do 'duck' have not done for a long time, too much pressure, too many good people because, again, that good woman drinker at the bar drinking, go late night and drink, and drink wine, but also drink liquor, will drink of the dead. "
Indolent, the money spent
Doing this for two or three years, the body of a small off finally too much for the second half of last year, home cultivation. More than half a day of rest, a small off both the habit of staying up late, there are "90" characteristic obsession of the network. Every afternoon sleep at ten o'clock, and play computer games until the next afternoon.
In big cities such as small off workers who live for many years, it has been difficult to adapt to life in the home, especially the "90" who did not live to the home network is not interested. Ozeki told reporters that he New Year back home, almost every night to go out to Internet cafes,hogan uomo, home to sleep during the day, maintained a way of life in the big city. Group from the rural areas' agricultural second generation ", memories of home and their parents did not profound attachment to home and no fathers firm. They can not come home all year round, even in the New Year when. "I do not want to go back, go back no meaning, not as in Guangzhou to play with his girlfriend."
Although the rest of the day at home, bored, but freedom is not used to the small off hurry to find work, the parents repeatedly urged, and never have any effect. After New Year, he and his girlfriend two "90" life is becoming increasingly short of money, forced by the pressure of living had a small off at a friend's introduction, return to prostitution. Although the return to this line, but a small off did not receive a single business. The nightclub is now starting to go out to open room is 3,000 yuan, but says little off, "1500, I am willing to go to earn money to say."
Ozeki know, to do this line to easy money, to spend money quickly, and sometimes a night to earn a few thousand pieces, but I usually go out to drink, eat supper and so on, and it would take over. But he did not intend to change jobs, he felt the freedom to work, easy to fast money. This is perhaps the "90" have the same idea, although these "second-generation farmers" who come from the countryside, but they came to the big city early on, from the countryside has been a long, afraid of hardship, always in the pursuit of easy life, there is a sub- money, first spend a repeat. They like the big city life of debauchery,http://www.121bb.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1949833, and do not want to pay too much labor.
21 evening, the room suddenly had time to chat, and soon to the ten o'clock,http://www.gudmap.org, we sat out on the second floor lobby, drinking, playing dice, the atmosphere lively, the hall was also observed for each table guests, looking "prey."
So every day free to play on the inside, between a flash, a small off quickly filled already out of work for six years from the rural home.
Unmotivated, parents lose tube
2006, thirteen-year-old half started off not reading the small, drop out of school come from rural home in Guangzhou, the largest city in the tens of thousands join 'agricultural second generation "of the team, he started in the big city difficult life. Initially housed in rented sister in Guangzhou. After some days, the young man out of the house a little off alone, trying himself to the streets in search of work opportunities. Although seen restaurants, hair salons and other places are close to the front door recruitment of signs, but he too timid, afraid to ask. With the help of her sister, the small off to find a job in the salon, when the wage is 850 yuan, not food, accommodation.
Ozeki work in the salon more than a year, he felt too cold in winter, to help the guests wash hands frequently chapped, not the salon to do. He found a job in a nightclub, and began to make outsiders am truly curious career. Initially in nightclubs just do "master" (waiter), to 2009, when he was 17-year-old off he embarked do "duck" road. This change, small off that comes naturally.
Little off with the "second-generation farmers" who have a common rural family background. However, the small customs house has eight siblings, he ranked sixth. Eight siblings in the highest level of education was a high school reading sister, other basically junior high school education. Little did not finish off the first day out of work, his brother did not finish the first two days, "a little better than me," Here, a small off just laughed.
Ozeki remember as a child, as the first generation of migrant workers father perennial work outside the home, only to go home a few days before the New Year, and the mother at home to support the family farm. Ozeki childhood looked like a tall, after the reading has been very naughty, often beating. Elementary school, once hit a child, the child's parents came to the school to find a small clearance, he said also told little off beat parents, small off personally admitted the error, but that the child's parents left,louboutin uomo, and immediately The child beat up a pass. Later rose on the first day, and did not change the habit of a fight to see who is not pleasing to the eye hit who, sometimes in other classes after school classroom door, looked to the classroom, if you see what people dislike, kicked it past . "Later, more people play, they fear retaliation,http://www.matsue-yado.com/otoku/clip.cgi, I do not read anymore." Recall these things in school, showing off a little complacent demeanor.
Small schools often fight off the things that parents did not know. Ozeki told the Southern Rural News reporter, has been naughty,http://www.uco.es, he was young, his father often beat, the mother often not only do not block it, also clapping saying "play well." After the reading, the parents managed to give a little,http://events.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi, and started the exam will ask how, but then do not bother to ask. "This is not one or two children, eight how the tube." So when a small off did not finish the first day does not go to school, the parents do not know the inside of the reason, parents scolded small hurdle, let him continue to go back to school. Ozeki said that reading is a waste of time, it is better to go out early to work. Finally,http://www.goiadc.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi, parents can not take a small off after leaving school a few days, a small off along with his sister came to Guangzhou, began a big city life.
Talking to five or six cities, reporters asked him if he did not send money home filial piety. I do not know how to say little off sometimes, it seems this issue has never been mentioned, the atmosphere becomes a bit serious. After meditating for a while, he asked the reporter, "You think?" Then he said did not make any money, nothing can be filial. He heard his father as a child is very hard, not enough food to eat, often hungry, and her mother was "born eight years, has not been a break," and the eight with a big, not easy.
Speaking of the future, a small off say never thought, 'I just want to be going home for dinner, then went to sleep, too tired. "
■ reporter observed
Agriculture II, Where?
"What kind of work do you do? I do 'duck' is." One day in January, just get on the coach bound for Zhanjiang, a young man on the seat beside me introduce myself. He spoke loudly of his occupation, but also proudly, totally ignoring the people around ...... see him look so calm, show so bold, I am very surprised. The ensuing months, I often chat with him QQ, and into places where he worked.
Although small off from his rural home in Guangzhou came almost six years, but he still lived both chaotic and difficult life in large cities, became the city's edge people. But he was completely unaware of them, did not change the determination, there is no clear plan for the future, even see the hope, just take things one step.
In fact,nike blazer pas cher, just a little off today's China experiences tens of thousands of "second-generation farmers," a microcosm. According to statistics, last year more than 150 million migrant workers. The "second-generation farmers," approximately 60% of the total number of about 100 million, and a tendency to expand. Ozeki's father a few years ago at the construction site has perennial Pearl River Delta cities of hard work, as most of the first generation of migrant workers, as honestly in the dirtiest, most tired, most "unpromising" jobs work, live frugally, save money remitted to, hard to put a small off siblings were raised. Today, the elderly father has been forced to abandon the city only to return home, after returning home, he has always been hard-working too restless, always thinking that a few acres of the family. Because for their generation, the countryside and the land is their roots, they do not want to abandon them. While their offspring have a short experience of rural life, but many people finished junior high school out of a passion for the city's vision to work hard, I expect to live a life in the city.
When the dream meets reality, leaving the "second-generation farmers," who are struggling more. Knowledge level is generally not high they live in dilapidated rental, in order to gain a firm foothold in the city and hard to explore. They do not like their parents did, what dirty, bitter, tired of living are willing to do, but I hope to have paid, free and easy work. At the same time, although they are still wearing a "farmer" hat, but "hat" is no longer following people for 10 years, those who 20 years ago, ideas and fun hobby. They live according to the city's way of life,tiffany milano, the Internet, supper, Kara OK is an important part of their life, which even attracted their fathers strange eyes, accusing them neglect their families, spend too recklessly. "Agricultural second generation" who mostly just go directly from school to work in cities, there is no hard mentally prepared, the excessive pursuit of a better life, the character of thrift gradually fade. In an interview with urban culture and lifestyle at the same time, they have also been some bad atmosphere influence and inherent habits, and even as a small off this traditional morality to think of as "degenerate" in the field. But overall moral decline in society today, they have no trace of shame, but that these are trendy, open, of courage, and therefore complacent.
Continuous dissolution of the monasteries of urban culture of their hometown there's emotional identity and social memory, also makes a huge difference in lifestyle that they no longer meet the rural way of life gradually. Like little off such "second-generation farmers" who did not retreat, they really become not only did not fit into the city, but also can not go rural "marginal." Therefore, for them, step by step, and just attitude was prevalent. Their desire for the future than their fathers, in the future life of the track may also have some planning, but often because I like to enjoy, always very far away from their targets, they often do not know where their future.
"Agricultural second generation" go? With this question, I walked out of the magnificent nightclub.
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