
Although the death of his wife of 13 years, 81-year-old Chen Hui every morning and evening to his wife still did not forget to say "I love you." Chen Hui and Zhang Jinxia wedding 46 years ago.
China Taiwan News Network August 25 Taiwan 81-year-old Chen Hui and his wife married 46 years, even though his wife had passed away 13 years,http://www.res99.com/nexres/search/power_search.cgi, still with his wife twice a day,http://technoresto.org/cgi-bin/forum/dcboard.cgi, morning and evening, to say "I love you", life becomes a reality version of "Love you till the end,scarpe louboutin sito ufficiale, "the best witness.
According to Taiwan media reports, the "Love you till the end" is not a drama, love stories have a plot, in real life there really such a person. Yunlin County, Chen Hui women volunteers Protection Association, in 1963, his wife Zhang Jing Xia recognize elder introduced, although higher than the girls themselves, but Chen Hui spotted at a glance the other side,http://001.sujiaowuxing.com/read.php?tid=1946849&ds=1, determined to marry her as a wife.
Chen Hui says with a laugh, then himself a monthly salary of only 280 yuan (NT, the same below), go to propose marriage when the mother asked him, "You have enough to eat,http://www.biology.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~chromosome/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, how to raise my daughter," he said "will not give any dowry . " He replied: "I am not going to marry wife dowry." I did not expect actually annoyed mother,http://portal.dl.saga-u.ac.jp,air max femme pas cher, angry and did not go to the wedding ceremony.
Chen Hui said that his wife not well educated, like reading books, many dealing with people that he admired the philosophy is still obsessed, such as premarital A friend had no money to get married, he borrowed 3,000 yuan to the turn of his own money to get married want to colleague wife actually said: "My friends married to borrow money, no money now also, gave birth to a debt collection", called then told friends he does not pay back the money.
On another occasion, twenty years ago, Chen Hui lifeline Volunteering in Yunlin County, a woman was drinking poison to commit suicide to call for help,nike air max homme, he did not sleep all night to assist a doctor, did not expect to actually run away after the woman woke up the next day, he but also to pay 4500 yuan for medical expenses, home angry and address him luck,http://www.bikeparts.jp, his wife heard to say: "? 4500 yuan to save a person is not right."
Chen Hui said, the two were married for 33 years never quarrel, thank his wife for a family sacrifice,http://happy-marron.com/cgi/diary/nicky/nicky.cgi, dedication, day out, to go home to his wife never forget sweet to say "I love you." Even in 1996 his wife died due to colorectal cancer, the habit still have not changed. Go out, come home in front of his wife for her dedication tablets, let him go so well,http://www.dl-solutions.com, always love her, still carry the wedding.
In the Women's Protection Association,louboutin pas cher, the lifeline Volunteering is often encountered because of emotional assistance cases,air force one nike, Chen Hui always share their own experiences, he said the couple, lovers get along only two words - respect, propriety, respect each other, discreet naturally there will be no quarrel. (Rui Wenhui)