
Let tears "rebirth"
Autologous submandibular gland transplantation,, will be located in the jaw area is used to remove the submandibular gland secretion of saliva, migration to next to the eyes, as the lacrimal use again for the eyes "Water"
Southwest China's first
Currently, Ran Xiaolin's right eye had submandibular glands secrete fluid, it has been restored part of the vision. Doctors said the transplant of autologous submandibular gland is the Southwest's first such surgery success rate of over 80%
20 years ago, because of a drug allergy, Ran Xiaolin lacrimal gland function loss, blindness. Recently, in order to let her see the light again, the doctors take the "diversion" approach for the eyes "Water": The submandibular gland removed, transplanted to the right side, instead of lacrimal fluid secretion moist eyes.
Today,, Ran Xiaolin right eye surgery has been able to see things. Doctors said such autologous submandibular gland transplantation to the Southwest's first, and then undergo a corneal transplant Ran Xiaolin, the vision will be fully restored.
Drug allergy blind woman 20 years
Yesterday morning, in the provincial hospital ophthalmology ward, watching her daughter out into the three fingers in front of their own,, 42-year-old say "3" figure. Such a simple gesture, but family delight. And compared to before, Ran Xiaolin right eye filled with tears, and the color to black,, but have not yet left eye surgery is still gray, see things.
Ran Xiaolin from Florida, he has been blind for 20 years. Her husband Dengbo Qi introduced in 22 years old, because of a cold open some medicine, and who knows after taking these drugs, the eyes, mouth and skin on the stomach are sticking together, the body no longer little red dot, after the drug allergy was diagnosed. After a month of treatment, Ran Xiaolin who stuck together skin returned to normal, but the doctor said, eyes on stick very dry skin, lacrimal tear secretion can not, so her cornea becomes gray and can not penetrate light, see things. Since then, Ran Xiaolin did not even look at their child's appearance.
Submandibular gland transfer for the eyes "Water"
Late last year, the situation daughter sent to the Internet,louboutin uomo, after the deputy director of the provincial hospital to see an ophthalmologist Chen Hui,air jordan pas cher homme, he referred to the treatment: autologous submandibular gland transfer. Ran Xiaolin reason for blindness, loss of function because of the lacrimal gland,, cornea lack of tears. To restore vision, the first step is for the eyes again. "Water."
More simply, autologous submandibular gland transfer is the "diversion": Ran Xiaolin will be located in the jaw area, submandibular gland secretion of saliva taken for transplant next to the eye, as the lacrimal use.
Last December 25,louboutin chaussures, Ran Xiaolin at the provincial hospital for surgery. The operation by the ophthalmology and maxillofacial surgery team consisting of experts, lasted 11 hours. Doctors first extracted a piece of orange from the right submandibular gland size jaw. "To blood vessels, arteries and catheter complete extraction, can not have broken," Chen Hui expressed. After removing the submandibular gland, doctors in the temporal fossa right next to remove some of the fat, the formation of a depression, and then extracted into the recess of the submandibular gland. "Must vascular anastomosis good, can not have errors." Chen Hui introduced Submaxillary vessel diameter is only about 2 mm, they vascular anastomosis line for only 1/10 of coarse hair,, this process must be carried out under the microscope,, You can not make any mistakes.
Vascular anastomosis is complete, the doctor and then a catheter into the submandibular gland above the eyelid Ran Xiaolin right eye, right eye began to "water." Chen Hui introduction,, submandibular gland secretion of fluid composition and tears the same, so it can play the role of the submandibular gland lacrimal gland secretes tears wetting the cornea.
Chen Hui introduction, the do autologous submandibular gland transfer to the Southwest's first such surgery success rate of over 80%. Currently,nike pas cher, Ran Xiaolin's right eye had submandibular glands secrete fluid,soldes louboutin, it has been restored part of the vision.
Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter Liang Fan