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Scene of the accident. Lighter wife injured themselves to climb the stairs.
Fall in 20 meters "I beg you,, (for me) to ask my wife have something." The evening of November 20,, in the vicinity of Neijiang City Dam Bridge, a young man carrying his wife drove out of the street after the green belt deep groove in the rescue process, the young man has been thinking about his wife injured. And fortunately, although the two fall in deep groove, but none was seriously injured.
According to firefighters involved in the rescue, she said the young men who have alcohol, police have been on his blood test. At present, the specific cause of the accident is under investigation.
Break through the fence black car "fly" into the 20 m deep groove
Last night around 10:20, near Neijiang City Dam Bridge, a young man and his wife drove a black car traveling east from City Central Xingqu direction, when drive to from New Dam Bridge about 100 meters when suddenly out of the roadside green belt, direct "fly-in" street about 20 meters deep groove after crashed through the guardrail.
Yesterday, the West China City Reading reporters rushed to the scene found that the green belt is a small roadside slope, 10 meters from the road there is a remote location by a barbed wire fence constructed road. The vehicle falling position beside a small brook, the brook from the road fence, across the middle and a height of about 5 meters large ramp.
Some still the scene to watch the masses can not help but wonder: "This car how to open the compartment so far, how to go out of the river??"
According to firefighters involved in the rescue, "he said the big slope planted trees are mostly from broken down the middle position, the car should break through the fence after volley 'fly' down."
I saved the guy could not believe his wife only by minor injuries
Day before yesterday evening, Neijiang city fire brigade command center after receiving the alarm,escarpin louboutin,, the first time with a pager mobilization Neijiang City Fire squadron rushed to the rescue scene.
22:25, firefighters rushed to the scene found a black car "fly-in" after deep groove lying on the ground,, broken windows.
"Perhaps because the river relatively loose soil,,louboutin femme, grass is relatively deep,, it has played a buffer role, not heavy two people were injured, the woman can walk,scarpe hogan, from the appearance of scars is not, in our leading scorer, her climb up . "Fireman said," the guy serious point, the head of bloodshed, has been shouting his left arm pain,, we will not dare to touch him,, to use a stretcher tied pulling him up. "
In the rescue process, the injury is a little bit heavier guy has been thinking about his wife's injury, repeatedly "begged" fireman, "I beg you, (for me) asked my wife have something."
When firefighters told him that his wife is very light injuries all is well, he had not quite believe it, "really did not hurt you?" Repeatedly confirmed after the fire, he was relieved.
According to firefighters,tiffany uomo, he said the couple are all very young,scarpe louboutin outlet, almost 30 years old, tall guy driving relatively robust, till he pulled four people together, come up with after the boy after medical examination revealed the injury is not severe. Latest Development
Boy suspected drunk driving accident is under investigation
Opened a 10-year taxi Zhou told reporters West City Reading: "The new dam bridge this period, the car is relatively small, many drivers run this section are as Freeway to run, many people will open on more than 80 Km / h this. The driver rushed from the roadside to the green belt speed to 40Km / h or more, but out of the fence, the speed may be faster. Drivers generally open on green belt will subconsciously brakes, if drunk, is another matter. "
Yesterday afternoon, the West China City Jiangmou Reading reporters from the hospital learned that the guy in the next morning after the accident had been discharged.
According to firefighters at the scene involved in the rescue, said the guy who smelled of alcohol. Police responsible for this accident, said the boy had blood test in accordance with procedures, whether drunk driving have to wait for the test results do not rule out the guy has a drunk driving suspect. At present, the specific cause of the accident is still under investigation.
Zhong Yanhua West City Reading intern reporter Jiang Yong (Fire for map)
(Original title: thrilling driving "fly" into the 20 m deep groove lucky young couple Neijiang only minor injuries)
 (Edit: SN017)


Although the death of his wife of 13 years, 81-year-old Chen Hui every morning and evening to his wife still did not forget to say "I love you." Chen Hui and Zhang Jinxia wedding 46 years ago.
China Taiwan News Network August 25 Taiwan 81-year-old Chen Hui and his wife married 46 years, even though his wife had passed away 13 years,, still with his wife twice a day,, morning and evening, to say "I love you", life becomes a reality version of "Love you till the end,scarpe louboutin sito ufficiale, "the best witness.
According to Taiwan media reports, the "Love you till the end" is not a drama, love stories have a plot, in real life there really such a person. Yunlin County, Chen Hui women volunteers Protection Association, in 1963, his wife Zhang Jing Xia recognize elder introduced, although higher than the girls themselves, but Chen Hui spotted at a glance the other side,, determined to marry her as a wife.
Chen Hui says with a laugh, then himself a monthly salary of only 280 yuan (NT, the same below), go to propose marriage when the mother asked him, "You have enough to eat,, how to raise my daughter," he said "will not give any dowry . " He replied: "I am not going to marry wife dowry." I did not expect actually annoyed mother,,air max femme pas cher, angry and did not go to the wedding ceremony.
Chen Hui said that his wife not well educated, like reading books, many dealing with people that he admired the philosophy is still obsessed, such as premarital A friend had no money to get married, he borrowed 3,000 yuan to the turn of his own money to get married want to colleague wife actually said: "My friends married to borrow money, no money now also, gave birth to a debt collection", called then told friends he does not pay back the money.
On another occasion, twenty years ago, Chen Hui lifeline Volunteering in Yunlin County, a woman was drinking poison to commit suicide to call for help,nike air max homme, he did not sleep all night to assist a doctor, did not expect to actually run away after the woman woke up the next day, he but also to pay 4500 yuan for medical expenses, home angry and address him luck,, his wife heard to say: "? 4500 yuan to save a person is not right."
Chen Hui said, the two were married for 33 years never quarrel, thank his wife for a family sacrifice,, dedication, day out, to go home to his wife never forget sweet to say "I love you." Even in 1996 his wife died due to colorectal cancer, the habit still have not changed. Go out, come home in front of his wife for her dedication tablets, let him go so well,, always love her, still carry the wedding.
In the Women's Protection Association,louboutin pas cher, the lifeline Volunteering is often encountered because of emotional assistance cases,air force one nike, Chen Hui always share their own experiences, he said the couple, lovers get along only two words - respect, propriety, respect each other, discreet naturally there will be no quarrel. (Rui Wenhui)


Sina microblogging @ old lady in white T [microblogging]: Two migrant workers, perhaps it is just work, there are three seats can sit, I sit a,, a worker sat down, and who left a vacancy Master reluctant to sit down, his mouth complaining afraid my clothes dirty, sit down to the edge of the master also shifted his ass, I really was moved ......
Reporter micro Interview (Fang) Bloggers small to 22 years old, white-collar workers home communications. She introduced yesterday,, last night around 6:00, she take the light rail to dinner, in the forehead bay car,, and she was on the bus as well as the two migrant workers. Perhaps it is just work, they covered the dust, look tired. At the time, there are three vacancies on the train can take a row of seats. She sat a, a migrant brother sat down, and the other was just not sit against the handrail. Workers greet people standing sat down,, stood and whispered: "Do not sit,, put the girl clothes dirty." Edge said, with his eyes and looked at her side. Ganjin Wang, who sat down on the edge shifted his ass,, just sit one o'clock edge,scarpe nike air max, for fear rubs up against her.
She suddenly good sad, smiled and said: "! OK, you take it," big brother smile standing thanks declined.
After two or three stops,,nike air max pas cher, get off Shihai two were talking, "If a few years later, there we sat in the car like that, we all dirty,air jordan femme, do not worry about someone else gets ......" She suddenly felt heart stung.
The microblogging caused hot friends, that someone appeals: migrant workers,nike air max femme, a city builder, devotees,,nike jordan pas cher, sweat who deserve our respect and love, if you have encountered such a situation one day, they may wish to He said: "Brother, come and take my place!"
(Original title: "Brother, come sit me here!")
 (Edit: SN094)


Little rust iron monument above inscriptions were visible Li Yang for map readers
Baoji newspaper (Reporter Zhou Jinzhu) taking advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday,, three college students together to climb the Taebaek Mountains, down the front of a person when ready "convenience", after the discovery of a rock cliff in Qing Dynasty cast iron monument. Yesterday, Mei County Heritage Tourism Bureau, said they would ask the experts uphill iron monument on the heritage value were identified.
"That day we climbed more than 9 hours, it is climbing the mountain, is preparing to down, when it is convenient to find a piece of iron monument." Yesterday, at the Yangling Vocational and Technical College junior, Li Yang said, "I did not expect a urine, even 'poured' out of the heritage. " Li Yang said June 1 in the morning, he climbed Taibaishan and similar university in Xi'an high school classmate Guo Wenjun and his girlfriend, his trio. From morning start up the mountain, climbed 4 pm Little Man temple 500 meters at an altitude of 3,500 meters, was physically frail. It was getting late, ready to break down after consultation. Front down,, Guo Wenjun said to go "convenience" look, go big stone street a cliff and found to have a rock crevice weathered snakeskin.
"Ripped the bag found inside a piece of shiny black and red iron monument." Li Yang said both sides have iron monument patterns and text,escarpins louboutin, as is the ancient font, plus a year old, for a moment on I do not know what the inscription carved But one side printed with "Kangxi 20 years made"; the other side printed with "House of Xi'an Lintong County Confucianism" and writing clearly visible,, according to the judgment's iron monument,, dating back more than 300 years.
Could someone steal but too heavy transportation difficult
Li Yang said that when they looked iron monument, Taibai Mountain tourism promotion and marketing center staff Yang Ruidong happens from passing. said,scarpe nike uomo, asked that the iron monument is a gap from the stone cliff found that he could determine which is the big text temple to pray for rain iron monument stolen,air max pas cher, she lost more than a decade.
After initial measurement, this iron monument height of about 70 cm,,air jordan, width 40 cm, 15 cm thick and weighs more than 40 kg, the whole cast is hollow. According monument inscription judgment,,nike air max pas cher, the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi casting process according to the local pray for rain. Said Li Yang, Yang Ruidong tell them that this is an important cultural monument iron Taebaek Mountains, it should be protected, but the iron monument too heavy, they found iron monument crossing Mix together carried a small text temple, to the Taebaek mountain resort staff proper care. Subsequently, Yang Ruidong report Mei County Heritage Tourism Council.
"This iron monument in 1999 I have seen on the big lawn wengong temple before, and then just disappear." Yesterday, Zhang Hui Mei County Heritage Tourism Bureau said that the temple was found from the iron monument small text large text temple 4 km away, and walking also need two hours, the initial judgment, it should be someone want to take iron monument,, but transportation difficult, hidden in here after forgotten.
Taibaishan iron monument stolen or destroyed more
"In the past the monument Taebaek mountain has a lot of iron, iron tile and Tiefo, many have been vandalism or stolen." Yangrui Dong said, especially iron monument,, now at the edge of extinction.
Taibai tourism promotion and marketing center in Xi'an, head of the Liaison Office, said Liang Chao, Taebaek mountain-high iron monument are about one meter, part of a tablet casting a dragon and phoenix map, monument decorated with arabesque pattern cirrus, Beizuo more square, Text monument face mostly peaceful praise pray God created the monument through. Iron monument generally hollow, despite hundreds of years of wind, frost, rain and snow, still standing as ever, black and shiny, little rust, there may be one reason molten copper, silver and other metals. Taebaek mountain vertical iron monument, one more than the solid stone, lighter; the second is the temperature difference between the high mountains, the cracking easily iron monument; the third is to hang the old.
Zhang Hui Mei County Heritage Tourism Bureau said it had sent people visit the temple to view small text iron monument management and protection, and experts identified the heritage value of the mountain. In addition, in order to protect the cultural relics, the only passage in the mountain also has Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve Administration, specialized inspections.
(Original title: Taebaek mountains found "convenient" Kangxi years iron monument)


Li Runan got the decision on administrative punishment verdict revoked
Wenzhou People July 4th power in vain suffered a jail Liru Nan said that he finally can wash away the stain of life in the village can be proud of.
Wenzhou Yueqing City Public Security Bureau in the first half of this year,nike tn homme, together with the administration to make the decision to detain him, has now been proven wrong court.
Yueqing City People's Court that, Yueqing City Public Security Bureau obvious punishment too heavy, is the error of law. Yueqing City Public Security Bureau of the decision to withdraw from the administrative penalty decision.
Loose screws detained on the 5th
April 15 at 15 am this year, Jing Yueqing oil Ao village meeting room entrance. Oil Liru Nan Ao village party secretary Li Liangfu and had an argument. (Ben 28 April has reported)
Cause of dispute, oil Ao Village Committee owes 142,,000 yuan for projects. Li Runan repeatedly beg to no avail, to discuss once again be still no fruit, only a dispute with Li Liangfu occurred April 15, kick the door.
Li Runan this kick,, resulting in the side door locks fixed wing iron screw is loose, the door is not properly closed.
Li Liangfu spot alarm. Made the decision on punishment of administrative detention on the 5th Jing Yueqing City Public Security Bureau police station the next day, on the same day, was sent Yueqing City Detention execution.
Police Law Enforcement had missed when
May 20 this year,boutique jordan, v Yueqing City Public Security administrative punishment courtroom, stood in the dock of Yueqing City Public Security Bureau police said of behavior is intentional damage public or private property, shall be subject to administrative detention on the 5th of punishment law was correctly applied, the amount of the penalty properly.
But on July 2, the verdict on Li Runan get our hands on, Yueqing City People's Court believes Yueqing City Public Security Bureau error of law in that case, had missed when.
Yueqing People's Court that, Li Runan this kick caused "minor damage consequences" - screw loose.
Also,nike air max homme, the village had not locked the door firmly. Village director Li Xiaoyue had also expressed to the police station,, did not hold Li Runan responsibility, only what he requires education on it.
Yueqing court held that an administrative punishment, it should abide by the principle of the penalty fairly, Li Runan belong to cases of violation of public security management are extremely minor,nike jordan pas cher, according to the law should be reduced or not be punished. Yueqing City Public Security Bureau in administrative detention on the 5th of punishment decision,, obviously missed when existed.
The parties will apply for state compensation
Yueqing police another "ill conceived," the place is that in this "case is not complicated" caused by loose screws Chuaimen cases,, the public security departments to complete the investigation, continued retention 12 hours in the police station, until the decision of administrative punishment,,jordan pas cher, and then directly to the detention execution.
Yueqing court to revoke custody Li Runan administrative penalty decision Yueqing City Public Security Bureau on 16 April 2014 to 5 May.
Yueqing Yueqing City Public Security Bureau declined to comment on the court's decision,
After the trial May 20,, the Yueqing City Public Security Bureau told the media that: "No matter how the results like we have to respect the results of the Court's verdict."
Liru Nan said that he was very grateful Yueqing court to make this a fair judgment, the next will apply for state compensation. (Item Rui)
 (Edit: SN098)


Video loading,chaussures air max pas cher, please wait ... AutoPlay & nbsp; play killed the other driver refuses to accept the process forward and backward
The evening of August 27, Southern News, Shenzhen Henggang Liang road together slight collision caused the accident, but without warning turned into a case of murder.
The owners take full responsibility for the accident was sentenced to Fumou coordinating finished after police left, reversing the throttle suddenly crashed into another car and the owner of the couple deal with the accident, resulting in two casualties on the spot.
Accident owners Fumou then police on suspicion of manslaughter brought Detention Fumou motivated the move to admit responsibility for the accident identified only dissatisfaction in the interrogation, "want to vent."
Turn to overtake two cars grazing
Police released video shows at 20:15 on August 27, a Subaru SUV and a Toyota sedan along Ann Rd westbound right turn has benefits of salt ready to enter the middle Voeux Road, then off-road vehicles from Toyota cars front left oblique insertion overtake two cars grazing. Then the insurance company adjusters and police have rushed to deal with, but after the police left, but Fumou car suddenly knocked back a couple of Toyota car owners, resulting in the death of his wife Chen Moujun husband Chen Chong injured. Currently Fumou by the police on suspicion of manslaughter brought Detention, the case was taken over from the initial plane Longgang Criminal Brigade police station quickly to ad hoc investigation.
Southern Reporter yesterday once again returning to the scene found that the incident is located at the crossroads of the village Liang Liang Road, tie a turning ramp to the benefits of salt Road Voeux Road,, a narrow lane turn only allow one car, but the incident left the vehicle tried to Turn right side overtaking extremely difficult and obviously illegal.
After the two-car collision two sides did not dispute
Chen's family of the deceased, said the couple surnamed Fumou after the car collision occurred due to overtaking, the two sides dispute did not happen, and found both sides with an insurance company's auto insurance, then the insurance company called to deal with. Insurance company adjusters identified Fumou should bear full responsibility for this Fumou dissatisfaction. Then police arrived and made the same treatment advice, for some quarrel Fumou and police. Traffic police said aggrieved may bring the relevant documents found to deal with the traffic police force, Fumou concessions, willing to accept the insurance company finds that the subsequent police leave.
At this point the couple surnamed thus concluded that the matter, only to suddenly be hit by a car Fumou within a minute, his wife Chen Moujun tragic death under the wheels.
After intentional butt also shouted: "Look, it can be called an accident!"
He is the son of the deceased south are revealed yesterday, Fumou butt off also shouted: "Look, it can be called an accident!" Because after Fumou on collision accident found very dissatisfied.
Chen said that forensic conclusions appear as visceral rupture mother to death, "apparently wheel is pressure from my mother's upper body in the past."
The case of the two cars were temporarily detained in the police station courtyard Indus, visit the Southern Reporter yesterday found that the vehicle can be seen on the left rear of an adult palm-sized blood fingerprints, the incident is over about 40 hours, the blood is still legible. There is a car accident in front of the driver's seat "xikeng property management company," the parking card.
Mr. Chen said,, parents are from Chaozhou-Shantou area, Henggang small business, home, have three children, but ourselves as well as a 17-year-old sister and a younger brother minor,, the three siblings were living with their parents in Shenzhen. Mother of 41-year-old, his father was bruised leg, spirit verge of collapse, "we are the good family man to destroy."
"Now we have him for life!" Mr. Chen said,scarpe hogan online, the families agreed on the need to pursue the legal responsibility of the perpetrators. Mr. Chen also said the incident occurred father and the insurance company personnel can attest, Fumou crashing sounds suddenly reversing hit the throttle refueling sound, whereby they judge the driver's intention is obviously intentional homicide.
Shenzhen Traffic Police Bureau Bulletin
At 20:15 on August 27th, 2013 Xu,air max tn pas cher, Longgang District, Shenzhen street Anliang Anliang village road junction, Fumou driving Guangdong BB 1 ** N number of small passenger cars and Chen Chong driving small Guangdong BZM ** 6 cars (equipped with: Chen Moujun) collision accidents occurred. Alarm police arrived at the scene, that the two sides belong to the same insurance company (Pacific Insurance Company), both sides recognized in accordance with fast fast pay the insurance company at the coordination process. Then the traffic police left the scene.
After the two sides in the mediation process,tiffany outlet italia, Fumou suddenly driving, after suddenly reversing, the car and stood in the rear right corner of Guangdong BZM ** 6 Chenmou Jun at the front and the front left corner of the collision, causing Chenmou Jun died on the spot, damage to the vehicle.
After the incident, Longgang traffic police rushed to the scene investigation and evidence collection, the families of the deceased to the Longgang Branch report also said the case should be the intent to cause death case. After the crime scene, after the visit of evidence, the case has been accepted Longgang branch. Currently, Mou has been under criminal detention, the case is under further investigation.
Video Playback
Longgang branch of the Indus police station less than hundred meters away from the incident, media reporters flocked yesterday afternoon, police told reporters they replay the August 27 incident surveillance video segments. Video Display:
20:15 a Subaru SUV and a Toyota sedan along Ann Rd westbound right turn has benefits of salt ready to enter the middle Voeux Road, then off-road vehicles from Toyota car left oblique front insert overtaking two cars parked grazing , the two sides a total of three people get off, standing on the roadside theory, waiting to be processed.
20:18 two vehicles parked in place waiting SUV taillights flashing playing the double flash mode. About half an hour after the insurance company claims personnel rushed to the crime scene before and after pictures, and talk with the two car owners.
21:11 traffic police car arrived on the scene, communicate with the owners. Collision of two vehicles have been parked in the place the name of double flash. At this time, one wearing jeans and a red T-short seven-shirt men seem verbal dispute occurred with the police,negozi tiffany como, while the back of Toyota car owners and passengers standing on the sidelines to move between the two vehicles. Police officers identified: namely red man accused of intentional homicide charges Fumou man.
21:19:29 dome light blinking traffic police vehicle and left the scene.
21:19:56 red man Fumou return to their off-road vehicle began moving straight ahead, the car hit the ramp from the original location to park in front.
21:20 is Fumou Qi moving car after a few seconds, suddenly accelerated to hit back, hit two people,, and stopped at the back of the Toyota car knocked a few meters away.
21:20:45 screen display two or three people in a mess, running around and looked around, a suspected insurance company claims personnel to wear a white shirt man began to call.
21:21:30 Fumou drive sport utility vehicle went ahead to move a bit, the screen displays the car moves up and down Britain for a moment, what seemed to grind, and then parked.
Why is he so mad?
Why Fumou make such a crazy move? Indus police officers Tu Zhigang said at the beginning of the interrogation Fumou who have to justify their actions, but the police have the evidence and material that the subjective intent clear Fumou behavior in this case, "so we deliberately homicide to deal with, relevant evidence chain is handed prosecution,, specifically referred to them and courts ultimately found. "
The case of Fumou behavior shown sudden and without warning, if there drunk or psychotic symptoms? Tu Zhigang said that the recent session of the inquiry found no signs of mental illness Fumou, different from ordinary people, "he apparently also kept, and know that they ancestry disaster."
According to Tu Zhigang introduction, Fumou Department of Hebei Province, three or four years old, a foreign-owned factories in Shenzhen, any management positions.
Not in front of a police detail butt face
Henggang police squadron captain Zou introduction, police initially determined that the owner Fumou take full responsibility, but Fumou disputes that, he believes the time has come to own the front of the vehicle in front of each other, is the other side of the car hit his car. Fumou was speaking with police, turn right to rely on the right lane and certainly not from the left lane to turn right, then Fumou not say anything, so the decision is obvious, according to "fast fast pay at Kuaiche" principle , the insurance company personnel was also in the side, we have no objection,, but the owner Fumou bit extreme, leading behind the occurrence of the event.
Zou captain clarified butt incident occurred after the police left the scene, not in front of the traffic police in the face.
Details 2 butt police found unfair curse ago
According to a person close to the panel said, was Fumou traffic police refused to accept the identification, but eventually accepted an oral treatment. Police drove away not long after, someone called the police killed people Fumou parking, traffic police and arrived at the scene Fumou control. The police arrived at the scene after police received Fumou has been controlled traffic. Chen rushed to the injured parties complained that the police arrived later, Fumou heard after police said he would take full responsibility, immediately angry, cursing the traffic police found unfair.
3 linked to the wrong details, said first gear,, said after the process to vent discontent
"Suspects to the police station, said police and not the same." A person close to the panel yesterday told reporters the South are, butt the accident, the traffic police control Fumou first, then Fumou said it was "accidentally hang wrong gear. "
The case was then handed over after police said he changed Fumou collision responsible for the accident because of dissatisfaction with treatment and want to vent, thus reversing the car to the other side of the collision, he said his goal is a car and did not see anyone.
Informed sources said that this statement does not agree, "a comprehensive view of the incident was evidence,, Chen Chong couple on close to the station with, regardless of when in the end is to crash Fumou reversing or want to butt, the direction They are the same. "
Coordinator: Southern Reporter Li Xiaomin
Written: Southern Reporter Li Xiaomin Xu Chao Ying Liu Xu Court
(Original title: dissatisfaction found responsible for the accident killed each other, said the perpetrators just want to vent)
 (Edit: SN010)